Welcome to Lucas' Multiverse

Hello! You've just landed on the main page of my portfolio. I offer various types of services, and I hope you find something that suits you best.


Hello, my name is Lucas, and this is my portfolio of services. I'm a multidisciplinary professional, with a primary background in biological sciences and computer sciences.

Currently, I use this site to gather all the services I offer, along with any other utilities I find in separate internet tools. Not all the information you may find here might be entirely related. This is an experimental space where I test new features and observe how they perform.

Initially, my goal was to have a main website where people could find me and learn more about my work and other activities I engage in. With the increase in the number of job sites, social networks, and freelancing platforms, I found it easier to create accounts on these services and simply point them here. I decided to create a more comprehensive portfolio, as it's not possible to offer something as broad on these platforms. That's when I decided to call my page "multiverse".


These are the services I currently offer. Click on the desired content to get a more comprehensive explanation and access my portfolio.


For more information, please get in contact:

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